A Letter to Myself in the Morning
This is part of the "Martha Speaks" series I wrote following my divorce.
Ramblings from a drunk divorcée to herself about her new relationship with pink wine
Dear Sober Martha,
I am — we are — officially a divorcée stereotype. I’m sitting here with a firm grip on a cheap rosé watching movies on Lifetime.
I can’t tell if I love it or hate it —
Behold! The divorcée! Her grip, firm around the rosé
Did I even like rosé before all of this? I can’t tell if I like it because it rhymes conveniently with divorcée, or the pink color. I suspect it has something to do with its alcohol content.
I wish I could crystallize this image of myself. Ice it up, embalm it into clear resin. I would step back, and with one aggressive swing of a hefty sledgehammer, bust it into a billion pieces.
Ok. I’m going to end this letter here, neck the rest of this bottle, and go to bed.
Drunk Martha
PS: Sorry about that hangover though…