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Time is the only commodity you can’t buy; that’s why it’s so egregious to waste someone’s time.
An explanation goes a long way to showing them you didn’t intentionally arrive late.
Cultures have different norms around time. Be sure that you understand the culture’s norms in which you’re operating. “When in Rome” and all that…
Talking Points
I’m so sorry I’m late! My other appointments ran long and I couldn’t get away.
I’m sorry I missed the first part of the party! It sounds like I really missed out on some fun. Traffic was terrible — I knew I should have left earlier. Can you forgive me?
I’m so sorry for arriving late to our appointment. I know how busy you are and how difficult it is to find space in your calendar. Please know that I truly respect your time and that my tardiness is not a reflection of how I feel about you or the value you bring.
Pro Tips to Help You Arrive on Time
Ask for a text or email with details of the event instead of relying on verbal instruction.
Schedule reminders on your phone before the event and when it is time to go. Give yourself time for travel or getting ready.
Know thyself. Time yourself doing daily activities like showering and getting ready so you will know the actual amount of time it takes you to do those things.